Medication prescribing

Good management of symptoms in the last days of life is one of the main concerns of patients and their families/carers. The anticipatory prescribing guide and symptom flowcharts have been designed to promote and systematise consistent, best practice, patient-centered use of medication in the last days of life.

Anticipatory Prescribing Guide

Anticipatory Prescribing Guide

Provides guidance to doctors on how to prescribe anticipatory subcutaneous medications for the symptoms that may be experienced in the last days of life.

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Symptom Management Flowcharts

Symptom Management Flowcharts

Flowcharts assist assessment and management of the five symptoms commonly experienced by patients in the last days of life. The pain guide includes a guide to switch to subcutaneous opioids.

  • Pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea and / or vomiting
  • Respiratory tract secretions
  • Restlessness and / or agitation