What matters to me?

What matters to me?

Engage patient's and /or family/carer in the care planning process
  • Promote shared decision making and encourage and arrange support people to be available as required e.g. family members, Aboriginal liaison services, interpreters
  • Plan care in partnership with patient, family and/or carers allowing time for questions and include 'what matters to me'
  • Identify goals of care and preferences
  • Include outcomes of discussions on the Journey boards/patient care boards, which should be visible for all staff
  • Discuss and explain strategies to mitigate identified patient safety risks e.g.:
    • mobility issues and how they can safely mobilise in hospital
    • cognition (delirium and/or dementia) and how they will be supported while in hospital
    • personal care and toileting assistance
    • vision and/or hearing impairment
  • Remind the patient to use the call bell if they need help or consider alternatives if the patient may not remember to press the bell. Remind patients staff are here to help and keep them safe.
  • Use alternative communication strategies as required e.g. cue cards, computer assistive device, interpreter.

Regularly review the care plan to ensure the effectiveness of interventions/strategies and goal of care and preferences are considered.