Safe and early mobilisation

Safe and early mobilisation involves getting patients out of bed where possible to sit in a chair, march on the spot, walk to end of the bed or toilet, and have a mobility plan in place.

Safe and early mobilisation reduces the risk of:

  • Functional decline – further deconditioning
  • Muscle wasting
  • Increased length of stay
  • Further medical issues such as DVT, pneumonia, delirium/increased confusion, infection
  • Pressure injuries
  • Incontinence
  • Constipation

Standardised Mobility Terminology
A Guide for use across NSW

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Mobility Pictorial Guide

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Mobilisation Terminology Guide

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Give it a Go! Guide

Download PDF ~323KB

Pointers for Safe Mobilisation - Give it a Go
Information for clinicians and health professionals

Download PDF ~178KB

Give it a Go!
Education presentation

Download PDF ~448KB

Moving around safely in hospital
Information for patients and families

Download PDF ~257KB

Moving Right to stay upright
Education presentation

Download PDF ~1.2MB

Safe patient mobilisation videos

Early and frequent mobilisation is an essential component of high-quality healthcare.

Safe use of mobility aids videos

The following videos involve a physiotherapist demonstrating with a client the safe use of mobility aids, including how to adjust it to the correct patient height, safety check and safe mobilising techniques.


Rollator Frames

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Mobility Aids

Forearm Support Frame

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Balance and Strength test videos

These videos demonstrate balance and strength tests. It demonstrates the test, outlines the equipment needed and explains the results and when a person should be referred to a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist or a Falls Prevention exercise program.

Introduction to balance & strength testing

Introduction to balance & strength testing

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5 x sit to stand

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Step test

Alternate step test

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Tandem Stance

Near tandem stance test

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Timed up and Go Test

Timed up and go test

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