Bundle Overview

Stillbirth is a personal tragedy for the families involved and a serious public health problem with far reaching social, emotional, and financial burdens on all involved. In many cases stillbirth is preventable, and research shows 20-30% of late gestation stillbirths could be avoided with improved elements care.

By implementing the five evidence-based elements of the Safer Baby Bundle we can reduce the number of stillborn babies and the personal tragedy for families and communities.

Safer Baby Bundle from Stillbirth CRE on Vimeo.

Health Professionals

If you are a health care clinician interested in learning more about the Safer Baby Bundle you are welcome to join our Community of Practice.

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For any other enquiries email the Clinical Excellence Commission Maternity and Neonatal Safety Program Team.

Information for General Practitioners

Safer Baby Bundle Handbook and Resource Guide

The Safer Baby Bundle Handbook and Resource Guide has been created as an informational support to assist maternity health care providers with implementation of the Bundle.

Safer Baby Bundle Masterclass

Become a Safer Baby Bundle champion in your workplace. The Safer Baby Bundle Masterclass is an interactive presentation that has been developed for maternity health care providers as an overview of the Safer Baby Bundle eLearning.

This 60-minute Masterclass summarises the five Bundle elements, highlights key evidence and clinical recommendations related to the Safer Baby Bundle, and discusses basic principles for implementation.

For Families